
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. 

We will be in touch as soon possible to organise a meet-and-greet.

Please provide your emergency contact name and contact number:
 What are your interests/hobbies/passions/super power?
 Do you have any relevant qualifications or experience? 
Are you interested in facilitating any workshops?
Which of the following appeals to you:

 How did you hear about us and why do you want to volunteer at The Lighthouse?
 Preferred days:

 Suggested number of hours per week: 
 Proposed starting date:
What is your favourite book?
Anyone who works or volunteers with children in Queensland is required to hold a valid blue card before they begin working or volunteering. All volunteers at The Lighthouse Toowoomba are required to hold a Blue Card. 

Please tick one of the following:

Please enter your Blue Card number and expiry date below: 
Please enter your birth date so we may link your Blue Card to The Lighthouse Toowoomba: 
Please supply two referees. Don't worry we just want to know how awesome you are.