Hello Club Term 2

Homework Education Literacy Learning Outcomes!

HELLO CLUB is an inspired homework club, focussing on education, literacy, and learning outcomes using a digital solution – Literacy For Kids – on Monday afternoons starting 22 April and runs for 8 weeks, 3:30pm to 5:00pm, until Monday 10 June. 

We have 10 subscriptions to 10 tablets, and for 8 weeks, 10 children aged between 7 and 15 can come to The Lighthouse Toowoomba on Monday afternoons to work through the program.
Each session is to be supported by volunteers and we will ask for a gold coin donation in return 😊

Literacy For Kids is an online interactive program making it fun for kids to learn to read and write.

LFK aligns with the Australian curriculum and provides every teacher with powerful analytics to support students on their learning journey.

With more than 1400 activities featuring video, music and imagery, LFK is the ideal classroom program that captures interest and supports student learning.

The Homework Club only has the capacity for 10 students in each session. Please keep in touch via our fortnightly newsletter and book in for the Term 3 opportunity.